Pracovní příležitosti - zahraniční
Z důvodů zajištění aktuálnosti nabídek bude každý inzerát ponechán na serveru půl roku. Pokud nebude ze strany inzerenta následovat aktivní prolongace, bude stažen. Sledujte si proto datum vyvěšení inzerátu a v případě potřeby zažádejte o prodloužení.
Ověřte si případnou cenu inzerce. Žádosti zasílejte písemně na adresu pokladníka RS: MUDr. Martin Kynčl, Ph.D., Klinika zobrazovacich metod 2. LF UK a FN v Motole V Úvalu 84, 150 06 Praha 5,
Chcete žít a pracovat jako lékař- radiolog uprostřed krásné přírody v jižním Švédsku?
Welcome to the south of Småland
Kronoberg County Council is located in the heart of Småland in southern Sweden. Although we are one of the smallest county councils in Sweden with around 7000 employees, we often rate among the best in terms of results and quality in national comparisons.
Our county is renowned for its glass and furniture, forests and lakes, red cottages and Ikea. But Kronoberg is much more than this. For example, we have a blossoming music scene here and a rich cultural life. Kronoberg offers both the safety of a small town in the countryside and a modern urban environment. The largest city is Växjö, which is home to Linnaeus University and our airport offers both domestic and international services.
We are looking for a radiology doctor with experience in both screening and clinical mammography.
We have a good working environment, where accrued hours from on-call work can be exchanged for time off. This will enable you to build up enough leave to regularly visit your home country.
We look forward to receiving your application in either English, German, Czech, Slovak or Swedish.
Swedish language education
Candidates who are offered and accept employment will receive paid language tuition in preparation for relocation to Sweden.
Relocation Service
We are aware that moving to another country can be daunting. Don't worry, we will assist you along the way with a variety of services such as housing, childcare and contact with authorities just to name a few.
MUDr. Michal Urbánek, Head of Mammography Department, +46 470 58 75 59 (Swedish, German, Czech and English), email: or Dr. Peter Kidron Head of Radiology Department (Swedish and English).